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SimpleLab Agricultural Water Test Kits

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SimpleLab Agricultural Water Test Kits

The SimpleLab Agricultural Water Test Kits are specialized testing solutions designed for farmers, gardeners, and agricultural professionals to ensure the quality and safety of water used for irrigation, livestock, and crop production. These kits provide a comprehensive lab analysis of various contaminants, including heavy metals, pesticides, bacteria, nutrients, and other elements that may affect soil health, plant growth, and livestock well-being.

With easy-to-follow instructions, the kit enables you to collect water samples and send them to a certified laboratory for precise testing. The results include a thorough breakdown of potential contaminants and actionable recommendations to help optimize water usage, improve crop yields, and ensure safe agricultural practices.

Glyphosate Water Test Kit

Recommended for targeted testing of glyphosate–the herbicide also frequently known as RoundUp. Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of glyphosate by EPA 547 in drinking water.

  • Certified testing method: EPA 547
  • Fast turnaround at lab (10 days)
  • Expert support

This mail-to-lab kit provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing, including prepaid shipping and chain of custody.

Glyphosate is the most commonly used herbicide in the United States. While data on the health effects of glyphosate remain scarce, scientists continue to monitor the effects of long-term exposure risks.

EPA 538 Fungicide and Pesticide Water Test Kit

Recommended for testing of a wide array of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other organics in drinking water. This package is recommended for clients concerned about proximity to areas with heavy agricultural and farming activity, as well as near golf courses.

This SimpleLab water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of all analytes tested by EPA Method 538. 

Nitrate Water Test Kit

Recommended for targeted, high-resolution testing of nitrate in drinking water.

Nitrate is a common groundwater contaminant, particularly in rural areas and those near areas with heavy agricultural activity.

Fertilizers, septic systems, and manure-related operations are the most common sources contributing to nitrate contamination in drinking water supplies. The US government regulates nitrate in drinking water because high nitrates can cause methemoglobinemia, or "blue baby" disease.

Subsequently, nitrate testing is recommended for pregnant women and households with newborn babies. 

Pesticides Water Test Kit

Recommended for testing of common pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides in drinking water–such as atrazine, simazine, and methoxychlor. Ideal for clients located in close proximity to areas with heavy agricultural and farming activity, as well as near golf courses.

  • Certified testing method: EPA 525.2 (or equivalent)
  • Fast turnaround at lab (10 days)

This Mail-to-Lab Kit Includes: All materials needed for sample collection, easy-to-follow instructions, chain of custody documentation, and a prepaid return label for seamless shipping to an accredited lab.

Lab Report: Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of organochlorine pesticides (also called chlorinated hydrocarbons), insecticides, and herbicides by EPA Method 525.2 (or equivalent).

Herbicides Water Test Kit

Recommended for testing of common herbicides in drinking water. Ideal for clients located in close proximity to areas with heavy agricultural and farming activity, as well as near golf courses.

This SimpleLab water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of 14 common herbicides.

Paraquat Water Test Kit

Recommended for targeted testing for paraquat in drinking water. Paraquat is unlikely to reach ground water supplies due to the fact that it often binds tightly to soil. However, it may remain in surface water for several days and is often used for the control of aquatic weeds. 

This SimpleLab water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of this herbicide. 

PCBs and Chlorinated Pesticides Water Test Kit

Recommended for targeted testing for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and chlorinated pesticides in drinking water. PCBs are synthetic compounds that were widely used up until the 1960's in electrical equipment such, as capacitors and transformers–as well as in hydraulic fluids, lubricants, plasticizers, and pesticides.

Due to their environmental toxicity, and classification as persistent organic pollutants, PCB production was banned in the US in 1978. They have been shown to be human endocrine disruptors. Along with an array of PCBs, the testing package also includes analysis of other persistent organochlorinated pesticides like DDT, aldrin, and lindane.

This SimpleLab water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of PCBs and organochlorine pesticides by EPA method 608 (or equivalent). 

Diquat Water Test Kit

Recommended for targeted testing for diquat in drinking water. Diquat is used both on fruit/vegetable farms, as well as to control weeds and algae in public water, such as ponds, lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. 

This SimpleLab water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of this common herbicide. 

Imidacloprid Water Test Kit

Recommended for targeted testing for imidacloprid in drinking water. Imidacloprid is the most widely used insecticide in the world. It is an insect neurotoxin in the class of compounds known as neonicotinoids and is a suggested culprit for colony collapse disorder among honey bees.

While only rated "moderately toxic" among mammals, imidacloprid boasts high solubility in water and long term persistence in the environment. Therefore, the US EPA considers imidacloprid a likely surface water and potential groundwater contaminant. No studies have yet investigated the health impact on humans of chronic ingestion of imidacloprid in drinking water.

This SimlpeLab water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include detailed analysis of imidacloprid by EPA method 632 (or equivalent).

Acrolein Water Test Kit

Recommended for targeted testing for acrolein in drinking water. Acrolein is colorless liquid with a pungent, acrid smell–often described as a "burning fat". It is mainly used as a herbicide to control weeds and algae in irrigation canals. It is also produced in various industrial and manufacturing processes.

This SimpleLab water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of acrolein.

SVOC Water Test Kit

Recommended for targeted testing of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC) in drinking water. SVOCs are a broad group of moderate volatility substances that can be found in pesticides, plasticizers, flame retardants, furnishings, personal care products (PPCP), electronics, and cleaning agents.

They include many types of chemicals which exhibit a wide range of different chemical properties. Common SVOCs include: polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides (organophosphorus, organochlorine, nitrogen-based), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates, chloroalkanes, phenols, dioxins, and more.

They can enter drinking water in a variety of ways, and this package is ideal for addressing concerns related to: nearby contamination due to industrial activity, heavy pesticides use, and leaching from plastic plumbing and related adhesives.

This SimpleLab water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include detailed, quantified analysis of SVOC compounds by EPA method 8270D (or equivalent). 

Most Comprehensive Water Test Kit

The single most extensive test package for drinking water quality.

While no testing package will ever be truly exhaustive (as there are nearly infinite chemicals, contaminants, and microbes on the planet)–this test package includes core water test parameters for both regulated and regulated contaminants that can pose health risks, aesthetic issues, and other overall quality and safety concerns.

  • Certified lab testing
  • Fast turnaround at lab (12 days)

From heavy metals like lead and arsenic to bacteria, PFAS, radon, radionuclides, glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, haloacetic acids, trihalomethanes, disinfection byproducts, and more–this test package includes many of SimpleLab's most popular specialized testing packages.

This Mail-to-Lab Kit Includes: All materials needed for sample collection,  detailed sampling instructions, chain of custody documentation, and prepaid overnight shipping labels.

What’s Inside Your Agricultural Water Testing Kit?

  • Sampling Instructions - Every test comes with step by step instructions on how to prepare your water source, collect your water sample, and prepare your sample for return shipment to our labs.
  • Collection Bottles - Your kit includes all the bottles, tubes or vials necessary to collect your water sample. For most kits, however, there is only one collection bottle needed.
  • Sample Information Card - Your kit includes a postcard that asks for a few details about how and where you collected your sample (i.e. kitchen faucet). Just fill it out, drop it in the return box, and we'll do the rest.
  • Prepaid Shopping Label - Shipping is always on us. This package includes a prepaid return shipping label to the lab. Just stick the provided label on the outside of the box and drop it in the mail.
  • Return Container (If Applicable) - Some of our tests require your water sample to be cold when it reaches our labs. If this applies to your test, the proper refrigeration items will be included.

Example Water Reports

Trusted results in two formats.

  • Online Example - The online version of your report allows you to explore every detail of your drinking water within your browser. Note that reports will vary from test to test and that yours may look different than this example.
  • PDF Example - If links and URLS aren't your thing, you can download a PDF of your full report to view on your computer or print out at home.

Analytes Test Table

Glyphosate Water Test (1 Analyte Tested) EPA 547
EPA 538 Fungicide and Pesticide Water Test (140 Analytes Tested) Carbaryl, Carbofuran, EPA 538
Nitrate Water Test (1 Analyte Tested) EPA 300.0
Pesticides Water Test (9 Analytes Tested) Alachlor, Atrazine, Benz (A)pyrene, EPA 525.2, Simazine
Herbicides Water Test (14 Analytes Tested) Bentazon, Dichlorprop, Pentachlorophenol
Paraquat Water Test (1 Analyte Tested) Paraquat
PCBs and Chlorinated Pesticides Water Test (27 Analytes Tested) Endrin Aldehyde, PCB 1016, PCB 1221
Diquat Water Test (1 Analyte Tested) Diquat
Imidacloprid Water Test (1 Analyte Tested) Imidacloprid
Acrolein Water Test (1 Analyte Tested) Acrolein
SVOC Water Test (71 Analytes Tested) Benzidine, Diethyl Phthalate, EPA 8270D, Hexachlorobenzene
Essential Hydroponics Water Test (47 Analytes Tested) Chlorine, Heavy Metals, Minerals, NPK

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Phone: 888-852-0601


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