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Crystal Quest 1000 gallons per day reverse osmosis system

Reverse Osmosis Filters for Beginners

Are you looking for ways to purify water at home? Do you want simple but proven ways to boost the food quality of your small business? Are you searching for solutions to keep your aquarium fish healthy? You are bound to encounter reverse osmosis filtration in your research. 

The scientific connotation that Reverse Osmosis (RO) brings has put off many people from discovering its many benefits and uses. 

Fortunately, there’s no need to dig out your high school chemistry book to re-learn the basics of this advantageous system!

Reverse Osmosis 101

Reverse Osmosis 101

What is Reverse Osmosis System?

Reverse osmosis can purify water all the way down to the molecular level. It has become a widely popular water filtration process because of its efficiency.

Think about how a colander works. You use a colander when you need to strain liquids from food. 

Reverse osmosis functions conversely. That is, it is used to separate unwanted materials from water. The result is a better-tasting and healthier form of water. 

In an RO system, membranes or layers are used to remove pollutants. These membranes are semipermeable or partially penetrable so that as water flows through them. They can filter or separate the components of the water that you don’t want to be mixed in with it. 

What Makes Reverse Osmosis Relevant?

Why should you be interested in reverse osmosis and its superb filtration capacity? What makes it relevant to you?

According to the CDC, 7.2 million people get sick from water-borne diseases every year in the US. Water-borne diseases result in hospitalizations and deaths of thousands of people every year. Billions of healthcare funds go to addressing issues related to unsafe water. 

Geography can make it harder for some places to generate clean, potable water. The age of pipes and water systems can lead to degradation and the introduction of undesirable substances into the water supply. An outbreak of certain viruses and being exposed to unsanitary environments can cause health issues to spread through water. 

Water is essential for survival: you need it for hydration and sanitation. It’s not enough to get your supply just anywhere. You have to make sure that what you are drinking and using keeps you healthy. 

What Can RO Systems Remove?

RO filters can remove sediments, dirt, and undissolved waste that make the water murky. It can also remove contaminants unseen by the naked eye, such as the following:

  • Lead. Even the smallest trace of lead can be dangerous to humans. Lead can cause congenital disorders, anemia, muscular problems, and nerve or brain damage. 
  • Mercury. Mercury can cause serious damage to the kidneys, lungs, and digestive and nervous systems. RO can remove up to 97% of mercury from water. 
  • Chloride. Chloride can speed up the disintegration of  pipes and metal fixtures. 
  • Sodium. Excessive sodium intake can cause or worsen hypertension, ulcer, and problems in the kidney or liver. People on strict sodium diet can significantly benefit from RO filtered water.  
  • Copper. High concentrations of copper can lead to nausea, headaches, diarrhea, and vomiting. It also leaves a bitter taste in water. 
  • Chromium. Excessive levels of chromium can result in skin ulcers, liver problems, and reproductive issues.

What Is The Best RO System for Me?

Different people have different requirements, goals and purposes for using an RO system. 

For example, you may need a solution to address the murky water supply you get at home. Opt for an RO filter system that is powerful enough to give you drinking water but is compact enough to fit under the sink, such as the Reverse Osmosis Under Sink Water Filter - 2000CP manufactured by Crystal Quest. 

If you are looking to filter all of the water coming in to your home, check out the Crystal Quest Whole House Reverse Osmosis System.

Using RO in an industrial or business setting would require higher specifications and more advanced features. The Commercial Mid-Flow Reverse Osmosis System of Crystal Quest can process up to 7,000 gallons per day. It is programmable and upgradable to fit specific needs such as wastewater reduction, tank level input customization, and voltage selection. 

Just because reverse osmosis sounds technical doesn’t mean you should just write it off. It is a great investment that can save you a lot of trouble and money. Now that you know the basics of reverse osmosis, you can invest in the best system for you!

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