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What You Should Know About Whole House RO Systems

What You Should Know About Whole House RO Systems

Installing a reverse osmosis (RO) filtration system that works throughout the home is an excellent way to give your loved ones access to clean water and improve the well-being of your household. 

What is a Whole House RO Water Filtration System?


Crystal Quest Whole House Reverse Osmosis System


Reverse osmosis is one of the most popular ways to purify water.

When you have a reverse osmosis system installed to the main water line going into your home, instead of just a part of the house, you get RO filtered water for drinking, bathing, washing, and cooking. 

Do I Need a Reverse Osmosis for The Whole House?

An RO system can be placed in one room of the home only. For example, you can just have one installed under the sink, such as the Under Sink Water Filter - 1000C to have clean and safe water for drinking and cooking. If your only concern is excellent tasting drinking water, the Hybrid Ultrafiltration + Reverse Osmosis Bottleless Water Cooler does the job well. 

However, having an RO system for your entire house is a worthy investment. 

Check out these benefits that you can get from whole house RO filtration:

1. A steady supply of safe and better-tasting water. You can get purified water through other ways, such as having a distillation system or by purchasing bottled water.

However, distillation takes a long time and may disrupt your day-to-day activities. It is also not effective in removing contaminants with a lower boiling point than water. When you have an RO system in the whole house, you have the peace of mind that your water supply is safe and free from disease-carrying diseases at all times. Once installed, you can turn on the faucet, cook, or make your coffee without having to do anything to get your RO system to work. 

2. Longer lifetime and better function of appliances. Untreated water can cause build-up in your appliances and home fixtures.

It can lead to nasty white build-ups on shower heads and faucets, form scales on your espresso machine affecting the taste of your drink, and leave spots or smudges when you use your steam iron or mop. Tap water can also leave spots or smudges on your glassware and make clothes deteriorate quickly.

3. Healthier plants and fish.
Are you into gardening? Do you plant your own vegetables and spices at home? RO water is great for growing healthy, flourishing plants. It is free from contaminants that may be present in tap water. It also has a more stable pH level and dose of nutrients than distilled water.

If you have a fish pond or aquarium, then a whole-house RO system is even more important to you. RO filtered water helps you recreate a habitat that is more similar to the natural environment of your finned pets. Algae growth will also be kept at bay with RO water. 

Quality water on demand. If you have a private well, you need to have the water tested regularly to make sure it is potable. Water supplied by city water systems is already treated. However, there is still a risk of it containing pollutants from pipes and other conditions.

When you have an RO system installed at home, you have the convenience and peace of mind that your supply of water is always free from disease-causing contaminants. You won’t have to go through all the motions of having the water tested and treated once it has been installed. 

What Does Reverse Osmosis Remove?

Just because your water looks clear and tastes “normal” does not mean it is good for your well-being. 

Here are the things most commonly found in tap water:

  • Chemicals. Cities use chemical additives for water treatment. Substances such as chlorine and fluoride are useful in eliminating bacteria but are harmful in high concentrations.
  • Metals. Lead, mercury, and copper can find their way into your water from pipes. Even just small traces of these metals can alter the taste of water and lead to serious health issues. 
  • Trace Contaminants. Pesticides and herbicides can seep into the ground and contaminate your water supply. If someone in your family has an existing illness or is under strict medical supervision, an RO system at home provides an additional degree of protection for their health.

Your home should be a secure and comfortable place to live. Maintain the well-being of your family and keep your home in great condition by investing in a Whole House RO system. 


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